What is Amenorrhea? Why Does it Occur?

 Amenorrhea is the inability to get your period even though you have completed puberty, are not pregnant, and have not reached menopause. Not having regular periods is the issue. You never get your period if you have this condition. You should seek your healthcare expert even though it isn’t a disease because it could be a sign of a treatable illness. 


The types of it have been listed as follows:

  • Primary amenorrhea: 

During this interval, females under the age of 15 do not experience their first period.

  • Secondary amenorrhea: 

This occurs when your menstrual periods were regular but then stopped for three months or longer.


In addition to not getting your period, based on the reason for your menstrual irregularities, you can also experience the following symptoms:

  • Suffering from pelvic pain
  • Changes in vision
  • You may feel headaches and acne on your face.
  • Hair falls and more facial hair growth  
  • Not developing breast (in primary amenorrhea)

Treatment for menstrual irregularities

The ailment that causes amenorrhea will be the focus of treatment. You can assist your periods  to begin again by using birth control tablets or hormone replacement therapy. Medication can be used to treat a thyroid or pituitary issue.  

If stress, weight gain or loss, and sadness are interfering with your menses, take an active role in your therapy by taking steps to manage them.

To know more:- https://www.womenrx.org/


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