What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Breast Infection?

 Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue, and it most usually affects breastfeeding mothers. Pain, swelling, and redness, are all symptoms of this infection. It can happen when bacteria enter a milk duct through a crack in the nipple, frequently from the infant’s mouth. This results in painful upper body inflammation and illness.


It most frequently occurs one to three months after childbirth, but it can also happen to women who have just given birth as well as people who have gone through menopause.

What are the signs and symptoms of a chest illness?

It can cause pain, redness, and warmth in addition to the symptoms listed below:

  • Swelling and sensitivity may occur.
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue, feeling of tiredness or lack of energy.
  • Engorged mammary glands (swelling, tightness, and an increase in chest size)
  • Cold and fever
  • Rigor or trembling

Abscess: Sometimes complicated by chest abscess, a more serious disease. Non Cancerous masses, like abscesses, are frequently painful and may feel movable beneath the skin. The mass's edge is often regularly and highly defined. The following are signs of an abscess:

  • A tender breast lump that does not shrink after feeding (If the abscess is deep in the chest, you may not be able to feel it). The mass may be movable or compressed.
  • The nipple's pus can be draining.
  • Continual fever and no improvement in illnesses within 48-72 hours.
To know more:- https://www.womenrx.org/


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