Know the Relation Between Pregnancy and Thyroid

 While discussing gestation or pregnancy, women do end up coming across various ailments that are to be taken care of. Not only one or two, but ample of conditions are experienced. It becomes necessary that one who goes through the pregnancy stage does have a brief idea about the medicines and the problems experienced by females.

Usually, ladies do come across thyroid issues and some limited people have an idea about the same. Here are a few things that one must know about the same.


What is this ailment all about?

It is a butterfly-shaped, tiny gland in the neck. This gland is an organ that produces the substances to let your body function properly. They produce hormones that influence your overall health and affect your metabolism and heart rate too. At times, the ability of those glands is less and produces fewer hormones. When there is a sudden increase or decrease in production, this ailment or problem is experienced. Well, this is an irreversible malady and therefore, one needs to consider seeking the right assistance to improve the disorder.

 Know the different types

Basically, it is of two types and includes,


This is an ailment when the thyroid glands are underactive and aren’t able to produce enough hormones to let your body function properly. Usually, this problem occurs during gestation and occurs due to an autoimmune ailment known as Hashimoto’s disorder. One having such a malady can come across that the immune system makes antibodies that affect the glands and damage those hormones.


This is a complication when the glands are overactive and generate too much hormones. This is a condition that speeds up your body’s function.

During pregnancy, such problems occur due to a disorder known as Graves’s disorder and which attacks the healthy tissue by mistake. At times, this malady is linked to morning sickness.

How to know you’re at risk of having thyroid during pregnancy?

Women who have pre-existing conditions need to check for the list such as, One does have a history of the disorder or you have a baby with the thyroid condition. Women with existing Type 1 Diabetes do have chances of having this ailment. You have a family history of Graves’ disorder or Hashimoto’s disorder.

 How are conditions diagnosed during pregnancy?

Conditions such as thyroid are likely to occur before or after gestation. Usually, females are recommended to undergo a blood test and check their condition. The levels of hormones in the body are likely to aid one know about the presence of those glands in the body.

This problem is not specifically experienced during gestation, but one can come across them other times too. Hence, if you have any menstrual issues, one can consider undergoing certain tests that help you to get the right details of this malady.

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