Know More Concepts About Breastfeeding

 As this is a unique process, every mother and child breastfeeds in a different way. Some women experience supply issues, while others forcefully pour milk into the faces of their infants. below you will know about the process of latching and engorgement.
Latching on

A newborn baby has to hold on to the chest comfortably to feed successfully. You can help your infant by performing the following process:

  • bringing your infant to your front and allowing them to latch on independently at all times. Avoid placing your breast in the mouth of the infant.
  • ensuring that your kid can consume a large amount of breast milk.
  • Place your baby with their tip slightly back and their nose level with your nipple. Your child will be encouraged to attach by having a wide-open mouth.


This occurs when your breasts become overflowing with milk due to the higher blood and lymphatic fluid flow as well as excessive milk production. As a result, the mammilla feels hard, painful, and tight. This may take place in the first week or so as you still trying to get used to feeding.

Many women find nursing to be uncomfortable at first, and many may experience sore, painful, swollen nipples, inflammation, or infections at this time, this is common. Your healthcare expert will tell you what to do in this situation.


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