Know About Post-Abortion Complications

 The first step toward a successful elimination of pregnancy is access to safe abortion. However, post-abortion care is an important and often essential part of successful care. The intensity of  complications is determined by the stage of pregnancy and procedure of termination used.


There are two types of abortions:

  1. spontaneous or miscarriage
  2. induced miscarriage. 

In the first type, chromosomal irregularities and hereditary abnormality cause a woman's body to naturally expel the products of conception. The fetus is removed from the mother's womb after the body recognizes it is not healthy.

The second type of termination is done through medication or surgery. During this; infection, hemorrhage, and injury from the surgical procedures can occur.

From a medical perspective, there is no difference between a medical, surgical, and spontaneous termination. 

Following are three major things that cause complications:

  1. Infection- In this septic termination, the untrained provider does not use properly sterilized instruments 
  2. Incomplete evacuation- In this some of the conception products are left in the woman's uterus, causing minor to severe complications.
  3. Surgical injury or trauma- This is done through either medication or surgery. In these types of process, injury and hemorrhage from surgical procedures can occur.

Treating an incomplete or unsafe process is likely to improve the complications in women. Hence, women who end up having such a situation should consider the relevant and trusted sources to eliminate the pregnancy. 

To know more:-



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