Heavy Periods and How to Handle Them

Menstrual periods that are unusually heavy or lengthy are referred to as menorrhagia. Women during the menstrual cycle have heavy bleeding as well as cramping and this is not common.


You will need to change your tampon or pad every 2-3 hours for at least one complete day if you have this illness since your flow is so heavy. Additionally, your cramps are so severe that they prevent you from performing your normal activities.

Women who experience menorrhagia may have:

For a day or more, switch pads or tampons at least once per hour. Need to change the pads during Midnight. Handling the strong flow is possible when you are able to change the pads or tampons every 2 hours. 

Be cautious

  • They need to  avoid activities they enjoy because of uncomfortable cramping. 
  • Blood clots, the size of the ball may pass. 
  • Women may have cycles longer than seven days

Women's Menstrual Treatment

These techniques may be used by your health care expert to treat your heavy periods:

  • The use of medicine directed by healthcare experts can reduce the bleeding.
  • Birth control by changing your body's hormonal balance, birth control tablets can help you stop having painful menses. 
  • Another option to help your periods become lighter is to have an IUD that releases hormones.
To know more:- https://www.womenrx.org/


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